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Metro system in Barcelona

Barcelona metro
The best way to travel in Barcelona is taking the subway. This is the quickest way to avoid trafic and get from one place to another. It has been opened in 1924 and till now is used every day by tousands of barcelona’s habitants. The public transportation area spreads over 6 zones. In half an hour you can reach also the costa/brava cities, where the perfect beaches are. To see the most important atractions in Barcelona city centre is enough to buy tickets for the 1 zone. A single ticket is valid for 1 hour and 15 minutes for every public transport (including trains)


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Prices ( for the 1 Zone)

Single Ticket: 1.35€
T-1O: 7.70€; 10 journeys
T-Dia: 5.80€; unlimmited number of journeys during 1 day

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday:
5.00 - 24.00
Friday, Saturday: 5.00 - 2.00
5.00 - 24.00

For accommodation Barcelona check out the Apartime.com


TMB - Official public transportation website in Barcelona: Barcelona Metro Plan



Line Route Opened Lengh km
L1 Hospital de Bellvitge - Badalona Centre 1926 20,72
L2 Fira 2 - Morera 1995 13,53
L3 Zona Universitària - Trinitat Nova 1924 19,22
L4 Trinitat Nova - Sagrera-Meridiana 1926 18,91
L5 Cornellà Centre - Vall d'Hebron 1959 19,16
L6 Plaça Catalunya - Reina Elisenda 1929 5,38
L7 Plaça Catalunya - Av. Tibidabo 1954 4,63
L8 Plaça Espanya - Molí Nou-Ciutat Cooperativa 1912 11,26
L9 Aeroport Terminal Sud - Can Zam 2012 42,6
L10 Zona Franca - Gorg 2012 42,6
L11 Trinitat Nova - Can Cuiàs 2003 2,1

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