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Corpus Christi Sitges - Flower Carpet Festival

Saturday, 22 May 2010 08:59 What's On in Barcelona
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corpuschristisitgesEvery year, in June, Sitges celebrates the Corpus Christi in his own way. People are plucking the petals off Carnation flowers and place them on the patterns on the road. For at least 24 hours major streets are closed. During the day people gather in the main plaza before an altar and a mass of carnation petals is there released.
This is a very nice transformation of the town and therefore it worse to see it.



Friday, 21 May 2010 12:52 What's On in Barcelona
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sonarkidsThe SonarKids is a festival for kids where concerts, workshops, body art, skateboarding, fingerskating, graffiti and dance are organised for children. This festival, which took places for the first time in 2009, is a very good opportunity to share a nice moment in family. The aim of this festival is to open up tiny minds with a winning formula of music, technology and education.

There are for example the Finnish multi-instrumentalist Jimi Tenor and the Majorcan Joan Miquel Olivier making music. Electrotoylets is a Catalan group which will play a mixture of electro music and traditional Catalan music on toy instruments.


Barcelona Summer Grec Festival

Thursday, 20 May 2010 15:32 What's On in Barcelona
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Grec Theatre in MontjuicEvery year during summer, the grec festival takes place in Barcelona. For this occasion, more than 45 events such as music, dance, theatre and circus performances can be seen in different places of Barcelona. The Grec Theatre, which is a Greek-style amphitheatre on the flank of Montjuïc hill is the main venue for this festival and it is really amazing.

13/06/2010 to 01/08/2010

Palau de la Virreina
Rambla, 99
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Corpus Christi - l'Ou com Balla

Tuesday, 18 May 2010 10:45 What's On in Barcelona
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corpuschristiCorpus Christi is celebrated in Barcelona with 16th-century tradition L'ou com Balla (dancing egg). Egghells are perched above the water jets of the fountains in the city so that it looks like dancing eggs in mid-air.

The fountains are decorated beautifully for the occasion, with fragrant flowers in red in pink. You should also have a look for the parades of giants and big-headed carnival figures (cabezudos) that converge around the cathedral.



World Environment Day 2010

Tuesday, 18 May 2010 08:21 What's On in Barcelona
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World environment day is held by United Nations every year on the 5th of June. Its purpose is to stimulate awareness that world is changing in bad way. There will be held some lectures about how we can change the world to be better place for us all. The message is simple "many small changes make the big difference".

If you are interested in this day, you can look a French movie "HOMEHOME", which was made for WED.


Exhibition - Las Personas y las Cosas

Monday, 17 May 2010 09:54 What's On in Barcelona

The Private space gallery"las Personas y las cosas"  (people and things) is a photographic exhibition with a video projection included in the Loop festival, in which venezualan artist Ángela Bonadies gives new meaning to multiple disconected archives of her country.

The exhibition is a collection of 80 photographs about places that collect and classify things and the people that work there, examples of a collective memory stored in boxes.


James Roper Paroxysm exhibition ROJO@artspace

Thursday, 13 May 2010 15:01 What's On in Barcelona
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James Ropert exhibition Barcelona

James Roper is an English artist who mimics the complex bodily structures found within nature by constructing abstract bodies formed from multiple elements. His work has been shown in London, Milan, Los Angeles and New York and has been published in Dazed and confused magazine and Art Review. He has an exhibition at Rojo@artspace during may and June, well worth checking out.

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